Historical Resources
Q.1. In how many periods has the history of most of the countries divided?
Q.2. When did the history of modern India begin?
Q.3. What is the most dominant feature of the modern period?
Q.4. Which period is regarded as the darkest period in the history of India? Why?
Q.5. Who founded the state of Hyderabad in 1724?
Q.6. The Carnatic Wars were fought between whom?
Q.7. In how many categories can the sources of information of the modern period be divided.
Q.8. What are primary sources of information for the modern period?
Q.9. What are secondary sources of information for the modern period?
Q.10. How printed books are sources of information for the modern period?
Q.11. How are government documents sources of information for the Modern period?
Q.12. How are historical buildings useful as sources of information for modern India?
Q.13. Name some historical buildings of the modern period?